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Na splošno je tržna uporaba pločevine za termoformiranje HIPS zelo široka

  • top leader plastic
  • Kitajska
  • prilagojeno
  • 1550 ton/mesec
  • informacije

HIPS thermoforming sheet, also known as high-impact polystyrene thermoforming sheet, is widely used in the packaging industry for its low static electricity generation, easy vacuum forming, good impact resistance, good hygiene and easy coloring. It is widely used in the packaging of medicine, food, toys, electronics and clothing. In the electronics industry, HIPS thermoforming sheet is also widely used in electronic equipment housing, protective materials and electronic accessories. With the increasing demand for electronic products, especially consumer electronics, the demand for HIPS is also increasing. In addition, HIPS thermoforming sheet also has certain applications in other fields, such as construction, home appliances, lamps, refrigerator liners and other industries. Especially in the dashboard, home appliance housing, toys, lamps, refrigerator liners and other industries, HIPS sheets are gradually replacing traditional ABS sheets because of their advantages of easy forming, easy coloring, easy processing and high cost performance. In general, the market application of HIPS thermoforming sheet is very wide, involving packaging, automobiles, electronics, construction, home appliances and other fields. With the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of people's requirements for product quality, the application prospects of HIPS thermoforming sheets will be broader. At the same time, with the improvement of environmental awareness, the environmental performance of HIPS thermoforming sheets will also become a major advantage of its future market application.

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